Fulltime co-driver at Sligro in Sluis

Do you want to work as a co-driver in Sluis? Sligro offers a full-time position with an attractive salary of €13,81 per hour! Apply Now!

24 - 40 uur per week
€13,81 per uur

What are you going to do:

Are you someone who likes to be on the road and is not averse to physical work? Then we have the perfect job for you! Sligro in Sluis is looking for co-drivers who want to help load and unload goods. As a co-driver, you play an important role in the logistics process and ensure that all orders reach customers on time and in good condition.

On the road with the driver
As a co-driver you are the driver's right hand. Together you ensure that the truck is loaded and unloaded efficiently. You carefully check the consignment notes and deliveries to ensure that everything is correct. In addition, you work well with the driver and communicate clearly to ensure that everything runs smoothly. You have knowledge of traffic rules and safety procedures, so that you can always work in a safe manner.

Customer friendliness and professionalism
In addition to loading and unloading goods, you also have direct contact with customers. You are Sligro's calling card and ensure that customers are satisfied. You are customer-friendly and professional in your dealings and ensure that orders are delivered neatly and on time.

Flexible working days and times
As a co-driver at Sligro in Sluis you work 24 to 40 hours a week. The working days are from Monday to Saturday, from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. So you still have plenty of time left for other activities!

Salary and benefits
In addition to a challenging job as a co-driver, Sligro offers an attractive salary of €13.81 per hour. You will also receive secondary employment conditions, such as holiday pay and vacation days.

Apply Now! 
Are you enthusiastic about this job as a co-driver at Sligro in Sluis? Do not wait any longer and apply immediately! Together we ensure that all orders reach customers on time and in good condition.

What we offer:

  • An attractive salary of €13.81 per hour.
  • Refrigeration allowance or freezer allowance if you work in the refrigeration or freezer area
  • Unlimited free coffee, tea, soft drinks, cup-a-soup and fruit during your breaks;
  • Travel allowance from 10 km

What we ask:

  • Minimum mbo level or equivalent ability
  • You are physically able to lift heavier objects
  • You are flexible in working hours and availability
  • You can assist with loading and unloading goods


Are you the perfect candidate? Click the button 'apply now' and we'll contact you as soon as possible!

Extra information

Education Level
Middelbare school, MBO
Working hours per week
24 - 40
Type of Contract
Fulltime (startersfunctie), Fulltime (ervaren)
Salary indication
€13,81 per uur
Responsible for
As a co-driver, you assist the driver in loading, unloading and transporting goods, at Sligro in Sluis.
Published at

Sluis | Logistieke vacatures | Fulltime (startersfunctie) | Fulltime (ervaren) | Middelbare school | MBO

Apply directly
Giulia Cremonini


Giulia Cremonini, bereikbaar op tel. 0651386423

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